Fancy Meeting You Here! More About Me.

Well hi! Fancy meeting you here. If we’ve never met, perhaps I should introduce myself as well as this newly-birthed little baby blog.

I’m Meggan. The mind attached to the body whose fingers recently began writing the words you read with your eyeballs on Firefly+Finch. 

My hope? To share beautiful things with you that we can geek out about together.

More about me:


I love adventures on a whim, coffee (my cardamom latte currently sits at my side), living near the Cascade mountains, doodling + watercolors, hiking + exploring aforementioned epic mountains, my family + fur-child, beautiful homes, well done spaces + thoughtful interior design, and collecting fabulous + funky clothes that I realistically don’t need or have anywhere to wear. (If Marie Kondo were here I'd tell her how much joy they spark and we'd be cool.)

Well done spaces & dreamy fashion are a fine art to me. They hold a kind of magic. And what can I say? I’ve always been drawn to all things magical. 

My brain has become a thirty-bloop-year old overflowing magpie’s nest in need of an outlet, full of all those magical, strange, and shiny things I’ve collected and stuffed away over time. Thus, Firefly + Finch was reborn.

(I actually started Firefly + Finch about a decade ago as a little Etsy shop where I sold doodles and prints. I was making birdcage chandeliers at the time and wanted a different storefront for illustrations and the name came while I was thinking about some of my favorite animals. Fast-forward through hobbies, jobs, life shuffling around, and the store falling by the wayside to 2020 and now.) 

I’d say my fashion style is an eclectic mix of timeless irreverence. What the shit does that mean, Meggan? It means I make it work and wear what I want from whatever decade I want at whatever price point I can justify and I don’t care if it came from Saks or Goodwill. 

Check out my style post here:

My Melting Pot Style: A Hodgepodge of Boho, Irreverent, + Curious Fashion Choices


My design style is more of the same. An eclectic hodgepodge. Our home is a smattering of trinkets & artwork & furniture that comes from friends & alleyways & dusty antique stores & family & thrifting. Probably double my body weight in rocks, an ever growing assortment of globes and books, and what I’ll call my “natural history” collection: a jar of sharks teeth, a bird’s nest, a very very very large wasp I’m glad I never met while it was alive, different colored feathers, barnacles, air plants, very large pinecones and very small pinecones, driftwood, and more -even smaller- rocks. 

Starting this blog has been an adventure in my own vulnerability. Why is it scary as shit to tell people you wrote about mom jeans + monochrome rooms? I don’t know... but it is and it makes me sweaty just thinking about it.

But here I am. Sweaty. And I’d love you to embark on this journey with me.


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