Shop My Spring 2020 Quarantine/Self-Care Wish List

This year is definitely not unfolding like any of us thought it would.

when asked to do word associations with “2020” my immediate reaction/response is: dumpster fire. train wreck. and shit show.

Right about now my fiancé and I would usually be outside playing — taking advantage of the slowing down ski season or the still-snowy trails that have daffodils popping up along them; hiking every weekend or at the very least, dreaming about outdoor toys and making plans for upcoming Summer adventures and our late Summer elopement (which is now TBD until parks and trails reopen).

But Covid-19 has turned the world upside-down for a spell and the days have blurred together into one weirdly surreal time blob. (What’s today’s date? March 43rd? Yeah, sounds about right) So nowadays we’re focusing a lot more effort on the health of our household: our self-care rituals, our mental health, our play time, our quiet time; finding ways to move, bend, and stretch; and finding any and all small ways to bring joy into our daily lives in spite of the unknown and the uncertainty.

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So with all my free time I’ve spent a few hours here and there falling down Pinterest rabbit holes that lead to me daydreams about projects, crafts, house ideas, fashion ideas, toys and gear and fun. . . You know the drill.

Some items are not essential for my self-care. . . but right now I think we all deserve to treat ourselves to something special. It doesn’t have to be big or expensive or pragmatic- it only has to bring you joy. Joy is essential for your self-care. For me that will probably mean buying a dress that I’ve been ogling or eyeballing for awhile because it will just make me happy. Plain and simple!

Other items are newer discoveries for me — like the concept of a beauty skincare fridge — that I am positively drooling over. (My fiancé rolled his eyes at this one but I PROMISE YOU if I end up getting one he will want to use it all the time. Am I the only one who experiences this?!) I think if I treat myself to a little skin care fridge I can introduce a new daily routine of self-care. That in itself is worth the money right there.

So here are some of the goodies I’ve been ogling lately — my Spring Wish List if you will.

Shop self-care + beauty favorites:

There are a few self-care related things I want to invest in during my furlough/quarantine. We’ve been taking lots and lots of baths, so a bath tray would eventually be super-duper awesome. I’ve also been looking a lot into facial steamers and different crystal facial rollers - jade and rose quartz specifically. I’ve been reading some different reviews and I love the idea of natural skincare methods — plus it will feel glorious if I keep them in the beauty fridge!

Shop my Fashion Wish List:

The most important thing for us in all of this weirdness has been finding ways to laugh. Every day we try to play a game and definitely make sure we watch one of our favorite movies or shows. We have lots of board games and jigsaw puzzles already, but how fun are some of these?! I love the retro throwback Pac Man. . . and I’ve always wanted a portable projector so we could watch a movie outside.

Shop Games + entertainment favorites:

I’m told I’m not allowed to have all the things on my wish list.

What rubbish.

Either way — it’s all about maintaining our health and sanity right now. Making a wish list of dreamy things helps me have things to look forward to. So all I can say is that beauty fridge is definitely happening.

So whatever it is that brings you joy, I hope you’re doing it.

I hope you’re finding ways to incorporate some YOU-time into your life during this wackiness, and reminding yourself with small acts that this too shall pass. . . Treat yourself to something special. It doesn’t have to be big or special or important or expensive. It doesn’t even have to be a thing.

Whether it’s playing video games, baking in the kitchen for the first time in ages, taking an hour to meditate or stretch, buying yourself a new dress for the heck of it, Zooming with friends you haven’t seen in weeks/months/years, fostering a four-legged friend from a local shelter, or ordering take out from your favorite local spot, making a wishlist of things that make you happy. . . You do do.
